Odin UltraLight Flash Tool For Samsung Phone Free Download


Odin UltraLight is a lightweight version of the popular Samsung flashing tool, Odin. This tool is designed to make the firmware flashing process simpler and quicker, with a file size of only 500 KB. If you're looking for an efficient way to flash your Samsung device, Odin UltraLight is an excellent option.

Odin UltraLight Flash Tool


  • Small Size: The tool is only 500 KB in size, making it extremely lightweight and easy to download.
  • Firmware Flashing: Supports 4-file firmware flashing for Samsung devices.
  • Simple User Interface: Straightforward and easy-to-use, even for those not familiar with flashing tools.
  • Quick Setup: No need for complex installation; just download and use.

How to Install

Download Odin UltraLight:

  • Download the "Odin-UL.exe" directly.
  • Alternatively, you can download "odin.ps1" and "odin.exe" files.

Run the Program:

  • Open "Odin-UL.exe" to begin.
  • If using the PowerShell method, open PowerShell and execute "odin.ps1" with the downloaded "odin.exe."


Odin UltraLight is an excellent choice for those looking to flash Samsung firmware with a lightweight and easy-to-use tool. Despite the occasional false positive from antivirus programs, the tool is safe to use and efficient in delivering fast results.


  • Some antivirus programs may flag the Odin UltraLight executable as a virus. This is due to the use of ps2exe to create the file, although the file is digitally signed.
  • I am not responsible for any damage or issues that may arise from using this tool.
Odin UltraLight Flash Tool: Click Here

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